Valérie Cadier Adem

Valérie Cadier Adem

Director of Marketing and BizDev - Brazil

Valérie has a solid career spanning over twenty years in the financial market, primarily in Marketing, Communication, Human Resources, and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). Currently, she serves as the Director of Marketing and Business Development for Brazil at Hashdex, a global crypto asset manager of which she was part of the founding team. Throughout her professional journey, Valérie has also made significant contributions to the People teams at XP Inc. and Nubank, and she played a pivotal role in the marketing at Itaú Unibanco, where she led diverse teams for sixteen years. Her entry into the capital market began at CCF (Crédit Commercial de France) and Banco Garantia. Valérie was also an integral part of the team that established Endeavor in Brazil. She holds a degree in Business Administration from the Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation (FAAP) and an Executive MBA from Ibmec, now known as Insper.

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