Chris Glendening

Chris Glendening

Head of Marketing - US & Europe

Chris Glendening is a marketing executive with over a decade of experience in marketing roles in a variety of industries. He is currently Senior Director of Marketing at Hashdex, leading the team's global marketing efforts. Previously, he held a managerial role at global asset manager Thornburg Investment Management, instrumental in designing and leading digital transformation and omnichannel marketing implementation. Chris has an MBA from Syracuse University. He was awarded membership into Beta Gamma Sigma in 2019, a national honor society for the country's top 20% of business students.

Latest publications


18 Apr 2023

5 Questions with Julia Castelo Branco, Head of Legal and Compliance

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5 min. read


28 Nov 2022

Research Commentary: What the FTX saga means for the future of crypto

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9 min. read


16 Nov 2022

Five Questions with Bruno Passos, Head of Operations at Hashdex

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5 min. read

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